Bundesliga is Back, but is it Sustainable?
If you're like millions of people around the globe, cabin fever has probably set in horribly and you can't wait for the day when you can go on the street without worrying about catching a deadly disease. If you're a sports fan, you've already got some sort of release with the return of the UFC two weeks ago and now in Germany, Bundesliga soccer is back. As a soccer fan, I can't say I've really paid attention to the Bundesliga this year, despite this being one of the most competitive seasons to date. From Saturday to Monday, eight matches were played across the country in desolate venues. The eerie playing atmosphere was fun at first but now most fans realized this could be the norm for quite a while and that is unnerving to some. Nevertheless, it was good to see live soccer for the first time and we were treated to some incredible matches, equipped with high goal-scoring and socially-distant celebrations. The Bundesliga is back, but this is a matter of healt...