Premier Lacrosse League: The Future of Pro Lax?
I've played lacrosse my whole life. I was introduced to the sport when I was six years old, and what turned into casual catches and throws with my dad in the backyard turned into a deep love for the game. To this day, I still love watching college lacrosse. The best Division 1 players are any young lacrosse player's idol. They are arguably the most skilled players in their sport, but sadly, college lacrosse is about the peak of any player's lacrosse career. I wondered when lacrosse would finally get its chance to be one of the big professional sports in the US. I think I can confidently say that with the new Premier Lacrosse League starting up this summer, professional lacrosse might finally be on the rise in popularity, media coverage, and (the best part in my opinion) actually competitive lacrosse. For those who do not follow professional lacrosse (and I don't know many people who do, myself included), there have been multiple attempts to establish a legitimate ...